...that leads through the woods to Manoir de Triste. Set deep, deep in the woods of Perigord Noir, named so because of the colour of the wooded hills in winter. The trees turn a deep, dark black when their leaves are shed. Only then, when the leaves have dropped, can one spy the honey coloured turrets of Manoir de Triste. Up in the attic, by light of her candelabra, Ottaline stitches and scribbles...slurpping the finest black coffee from her vintage tea cup. A successful day of hunting for passed on creatures has been had. A basket full of beautiful, black crows were gathered, ready for dressing in the finest collars, buttons and frocks. It won't be long, my lovlies, before a host of curiosities and beautiful beholdments will be ready for your tittlemnet...
My most deepest and black heart felt wishes,
Ottaline de Triste