Friday, March 14, 2008

Nearly a month!

It's been nearly a month now since Sienna arrived, and somehow, it seems like she's been around forever....
I'm gradually getting into the swing of things, and have taken on a magazine job. I'm trying to get a little painting and sewing done inbetween feeds and the enormous amount of housework that suddenly seems to have landed upon me!! hee heeee!
I'm just loving every single minute of it, and totally relishing her while she's soooo small and dinky :0)
We had visitors last Saturday in the form of Paula and her mum, ( and Mr Nick, Sienna and I are all off for a shopping trip tomorrow!
I'm feeling tonnes better, all the labour stuff and what followed is all forgotten now :0)
Here are some more photos of the last week....

and Miss Paula......


Catherine Hayward said...

Heehee what a cute expression!

Little Munchkins said...

I just found your blog and I have to say Sienna is absolutely gorgeous. And you look really great for a mum who has just had a child too!

Linnea said...

Sienna is a complete doll! I came across your blog from Sugar Hill. Congratulations on such a beautiful addition to your family, she is precious.
Those first few months are so magical and new, I hope you enjoy them and get some sleep!

Anonymous said...

What a little poppet! I love those pics of her in the hat :)

Lunabee said...

Oh Sienna is soooooo gorgeous, what a little angel i wish i lived closer to come and see her! xxx

Paula Bowles said...

lol, Catherine - I do try to put on the cutest expressions.. oh, sorry, you meant Sienna!

Was sooooo lovely to come and see you, Nick and Sienna, Erica :o) I can't believe what a little sweety she is!

I love her expression in her hat as well! She looks so amazed and surprised by everything!


natural attrill said...

Love the pic of Nick and Sienna.

Unknown said...

Very cute pics, good to hear it's all going well and that you can manage to fit some work in and have visitors and all! Chx

Flávia Leitão said...

Congratulations!! Your baby girl is so beautifull!!!